The challenge of running a large orphanage is very dependent on outside help. Your help is not only helpful but necessary for us to care effectively for these boys and girls. There are many needs, and there are many ways in which you can reach out and bless MoM.
Vehicles: After formula and food one of the biggest ongoing needs is transportation and maintenance of transportation. We at MoM are very grateful for the generous help that has been provided in this area.
Construction: The building in Lokoja is quite far along, but additional funds are needed to finish construction. Also a sturdy brick security wall surrounding the compound is needed.
Livestock: Continued training and funding is needed to maintain and grow in self-sufficiency regarding the livestock area.
Medical Clinics & Surgeries: Medical teams are welcomed for short term medical clinics. Surgeries are often needed for children with polio or other crippling conditions, burns, tumors, craniofacial anomalies and many other disabling problems. We are in need of dentists, gynecologists, pediatricians and other healthcare providers willing to serve.
Monthly Income: Monthly income is needed to provide formula, food, clothing, education and medical care for the large MOM family.